Weekend Yoga Workshop

Join two internationally renowned teachers, John and Julia Scott, for a weekend-long immersion into movement, meditation, sound, song, and deep rest! They will share their in-depth knowledge of the traditional practice of The Counted Method of ashtanga Yoga, pranayama, chanting, and meditation. This unique workshop will be offered in the beautiful St. Laurentiuschurch which will enhance the magic of the experience.
The weekend consists of a Friday evening session, two sessions on Saturday, and one on Sunday. You can register for the entire weekend if you are ready to take it all in, or register for Friday only or Saturday and Sunday only. Even though we offer the booking of separate sessions, we highly recommend joining for the entire experience as the sessions build on each other.
16-18 Sept 2022
with John & Julia Scott
11 Hour of Teaching
Friday: 18:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 13:00 - 19:30
Sunday: 13:00 - 16:00
St. Laurentius church
Blomstraat 36
1382 AE Weesp-Amsterdam
Friday Only €65
Saturday & Sunday €195
Entire Event €250
The Workshop
Friday Evening: Dynamic Meditation & Sounds Meditation - Collective Consciousness, One Mind, One Voice, One Breath, One Body
This session brings together yoga asana, meditation, pranayama, and chanting. Allow yourself to immerse in and become surrounded by gentle music while making use of The Counted Method techniques of ashtanga vinyasa yoga, we will come together as One Consciousness. Creating a dynamic movement meditation, flowing together on the wings of sound and a collective breath. Following the asana practice, we expand our awareness into the deep inner stillness of pranayama. Harnessing our uniqueness, vocalizing through chanting with an open heart.
Saturday Session 1: Dynamic Asana Meditation & Deep Rest
On Saturday we start the day with a dynamic asana practice that takes you deeper into The Counted Method of ashtanga vinyasa yoga. You will practice to the gentle rhythm of sound. The practice guides you towards a more intense focus, quieting the ordinary thinking mind and allowing the light of the wisdom mind to shine through.
In this class John and Julia will share the science behind the sequencing of the Chikitsa Series, offering you an understanding of how to practice with sustainability and longevity for future years of grace. The practice will conclude with a relaxation journeying deep into your own inner stillness.
Saturday Session 2: Pranayama Meditation & Sound Meditation
Breath of life Pranayama is a practice that expresses gratitude to Mother Earth for how she loves us unconditionally with her trees and oceans. In this session, we will harness Her Prana. While lying down, surrendering to the embrace of Mother Earth, you will be surrounded by subtle frequencies of sound that transcend beyond the three-dimensional material realm. Julia and Bart will guide you on a journey of heavenly sounds.
Sunday Session: Dynamic Meditation & Lecture on The Wheel of Yoga
In this last session, we will seal the weekend with playfulness! You get to explore techniques of self-practice to take home, so you can continue the deepening of your practice. Bring your notebook as John & Julia will unpack the wisdom of the wheel of yoga offering you gems of insight that will allow you to connect the dots of this weekend. It will unravel the wisdom in Patanjali’s teachings of the eight limbs of yoga.
The session is closed by a celebration and closing ceremony to seal the weekend we shared together.
Workshop Highlights
Join John and Julia, two internationally renowned teachers, for a weekend that will inspire you to expand your personal perspectives of yoga and what the practice has to offer you.
Learn how to ‘Center IN Self’ rather than being self-centered.
Learn the Counted Method of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, a technique that leads to focus, meditation and union.
Learn and experience a simple sequence of pranayama to take home for self-practice.
Experience new ways to discover that you too have a voice.
Discover the meditative qualities of sound and journey into deep relaxation.
John Scott
John has been a student of Yoga, of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga since 1987, A direct student of Shri K Pattabhi Jois and Certified to Teach. During retrospective reverie, John realises that much of his early years at school were spent daydreaming – “eyes fixed out through the window as if travelling to another dimension of reality..”
When does one start yoga? John questions and believes that ...
Julia Scott
Julia began her spiritual journey, first with Iyengar Yoga and Buddhist Meditation. For 10 years Julia was fully involved in acting life and performed in many Polish and international film projects. This full on self-centred life experience brought her to the point of understanding that something very important was missing, her true self... Read more >
We are gathering at the beautiful St.Laurentius church in Amsterdam-Weesp, only a 15-minute train ride from Amsterdam Central Station. In this fully equipped church that is turned into a Yoga Studio, you get to enjoy the practices Nirlipta offers you. During your lunch break, you can have a stroll along the picturesque canals in Weesp. The perfect combination to get the most out of this training that will leave you feeling fully recharged and inspired.